Welcome to our Winni the Pooh class
Keeping the room limited to 10 baby beds means that we are able to provide specific care and attention. We cater for babies from 8 weeks up to 15 months. From here baby moves over to our Bridging Class that will allow them to grow into a healthy, busy little toddler.
The Baby menu:
To promote a happy baby with healthy body and mind, we specifically cater for baby by providing freshly prepared cereals, pureed veggies and fruit as well as Protein in their respective age groups
Pumpkins Potato Greens Apples Baby biscuits Light Soups Carrots
Avocado Beef Chicken
Stimulation and Learning:
Your baby is stimulated with our carefully re-searched baby program that is specific to each age group and emphasizes on optimizing your baby’s development through simple and easy play and learning methods for both; teacher and baby!
Each cot comes with its own drawer where baby’s personal belongings can be stored. Baby will be issued with a booklet that reports the daily time sheet of feeds, nappy changes, medicine etc.
Baby Room
Bridging Class
2 - 3 Class
3- 4 Class
Gr RR - R
Ragga Kids rugby
Dee’s Swimming school
Tiny Twisters